It's short, shit and very very slow - but my god you'll be gripped. There basking it its own self-rightous glory.

Playlists based on The Saga of Sydney Spacepig. Play and download Studio Session album by Jefferson Airplane - including the songs The Saga of Sidney Spacepig (RCA Studio B, Los Angeles, May 31,1968). Clip, Lyrics and Information about Jefferson Airplane. Outtakes from the boxed set and live from 1966. Listen to The Saga of Sydney Spacepig, track by Jefferson Airplane for free. Watch the video for The Saga Of Sydney Spacepig from Jefferson Airplane's Surrealistic Pillow/Crown Of Creation for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Below is The Saga in all its glory, unadulterated, unaltered, unabridged. Jefferson Airplane / The Saga Of Sidney Spacepig /1CD /Yellow Dog Label. The Torch Saga has greeted visitors to CCl4 since 1989. Will the saga ever achieve anything resembling a plot? let alone any kind of an end? Why doesn't Hilda want Derick to get to Covent Garden? What's with the Sprouts? Have we seen the last of the Green Space Pig? Does the Shopkeeper know more than he's letting on? what happened last time Hilda had a gun stuck in Derick's back? Does anyone know? Does anyone care? Somehow I doubt it. Spacepigs - sp04 - geiler hydrant (WINNER) Abyss-Connection - Sofaspinner ATW.

Now in it's 13th glorious year with the lastest installment three whole years in the making. The Saga of Sidney Spacepig, a Bootleg of songs by Jefferson Airplane. Saga Musix - Matterhorn (should have been disqualified for constantly.